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qri's Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) scheme

Cryptographic Keys form the foundation for verifiable claims within Qri. Qri supports multiple key types, and defines a key data structure that encapsulates key data and key type identifiers.

Keys follow the definition of an asymetric keypair from libp2p.

syntax = "proto2";

package crypto.pb;

// KeyType enumeration order is defined by libp2p
// expression as strings is 
enum KeyType {
	RSA       = 0; // as a string: ”RS256”
	Ed25519   = 1; // as a string: ""
	Secp256k1 = 2; // as a string: ""
	ECDSA     = 3; // as a string: ”EdDSA”

message PublicKey {
	required KeyType Type = 1;
	required bytes   Data = 2;

message PrivateKey {
	required KeyType Type = 1;
	required bytes   Data = 2;

Key Types

Key Types within Qri seek a "spec union" between libp2p, multicodec prefixes, W3C decentralized Identifiers, and fission UCAN tokens.

EnumNameStringMulticodec Prefix
0RSA"RS256"0x1200 - not finalized

While all of these key types SHOULD be supported, Ed25519 Keys MUST be supported, and are the preferred key type. RSA keys are considered a legacy format. Implementations should NOT create new keys with the RSA where possible.