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qri file system abstraction

QFS is a file system abstraction providing common interface to different stores capable of persisting files. The general design of QFS is a loose intepretation of the Unix Filesystem with additional design goals:

  • content addressing - content added to a QFS filesytem can refer-by-hash
  • multiplexing - differnt storage types can be composed
  • linked data - files can contain linked data in addition to byte streams
  • encryption - files stored in QFS may be encrypted at rest


Because QFS is an abstraction over different filesystems, the definion of a file is an interface, and not a data structure. Filesystem types are free to arrange

type File interface {
  // inherited from the golang "fs" proposal:
  Stat() (os.FileInfo, error)
  Read([]byte) (int, error)
  Close() error

  IsLinkedData() bool
  LinkedData() (interface{}, error)

// A FileInfo describes a file and is returned by Stat and Lstat.
type FileInfo interface {
  Name() string       // base name of the file
  Size() int64        // length in bytes for regular files; system-dependent for others
  Mode() FileMode     // file mode bits
  ModTime() time.Time // modification time
  IsDir() bool        // abbreviation for Mode().IsDir()
  Sys() interface{}   // underlying data source (can return nil)

Filesystem Interface

service Filesystem {
  request Type() returns (string);                         // storage format prefix accessor
  request Has(string) returns (bool);                      // check for the existence of a path
  request OpenFile(string) returns (File);                 // get a file handle
  request OpenEncryptedFile (Key, string) returns (File);  // get a file handle that decrypts with Key
  request WriteFile(string) returns (File);                // put a file
  request WriteEncryptedFile (Key, string) returns (File); // put a file, & encrypt with key
  request Delete(string) returns (bool);                   // remove a file from


There is no such thing as a directory in QFS. The role of a directory is replaced by a linked data file containing zero or more links.


QFS paths are string references to files on a filesystem. Paths always use forward slashes / as a path separator (regardless of operating system). QFS paths do not support relative pathing, as such a path MUST begin with a forward slash /. All QFS paths must begin with a prefix indicating the storage type.

qfs-path        = qfs-prefix qfs-path
qfs-prefix      = "/" 1*5ALPHA                ; unique, 1-5 char prefix
qfs-path        = (local-path / cid-path)     ; paths are either local or content-addressed
local-path      = 1*path-part                 ; at least 1 path
path-part       = "/" 1*VCHAR                 ; eg: "/apple", "/b"

cid-path        = "/" (cid1 / cidv0) [path-part] 
cidv1           = mb-prefix mc-cidv1 mc-content-type mh-content-addr
cidv0           = mh-content-addr

mb-prefix       = 1ALPHA
mc-cidv1        = 0x01
mc-content-type = 1*VARINT                             ; unsigned varint
mh-content-addr = hash-fn-code digest-size hash-output
hash-fn-code    = 2VARINT
digest-size     = 1*VARINT
hash-output     = *VARINT

Location-addressed Paths

CID paths

All elements in a cid-path are a direct implementaion of the multiformats Content IDentifier (CID) spec. Hashes are represented in QFS with CIDS. The canonical source of

speckey benefit
CIDidentify content-addressed content
Multibasesupport different binary-to-ASCII encodings
Multicodecsupport different content types
Multihashsupport different hashing algorithms
Varintdefine variadic integer byte representation

Content Addressing

when writing a file to a qfs,

interface Filesystem{
  func Put(file qfs.File) (Path, error)

Storage Types

A Storage type is a an abstraction from a format for reading & writing files with the QFS interface. Each storage type is uniquely identified by a string prefix. QFS storage types must be either entirely content-addressed or not. All paths added to a content-addressed store must follow the /prefix/CID convention. Stores that are not content addressed must error when attempting to write a cid-path.

The following table is the canonical set of filesystem type prefixes:

/memyesephemeral in-memory filesystem
/ipfsyesfiles stored on IPFS
/s3yess3 and s3-like object stores that implement the S3 API
/localnolocal filesystem

Multiplexing (MuxFS)

A multiplexed filesystem is a composition of zero or more storage types, allowing reading from multiple sources. de-multiplex (demuxing) works by switching on path prefixes for both reading and writing.


Only files are capable of encryption within QFS, not directory structures. If a linked data file is being used as a directory in the path tree, it must be represented as plaintext